Welcome to Teoti Graphix, LLC

Finding the future

Company logo imageTeoti Graphix, LLC is an indie developer that has been doing tech, programming, internet, graphics and audio since the late 90s and has had to evolve with the internet's "ages"😜.

As an aside, Mike loves Techno/Trance creation with hardware/synths 🎹 and electric guitars. 🎸 😉

Current Technology

This site

Currently this site will remind older devs and peeps of the simpler days where you actually read text, had a longer attention spans and enjoyed hearing people's personality in their writing. HAHA That said we have a References/Guides/Notes - Teo Docs site that is being evolved that covers a lot of the above technology and will be added to continuously as time moves forward.

The Blog

The Blog is starting out as a very simple blog but will get more complex as I start adding tips and tricks and little adventures, program and product releases etc. One thing I have found is that charting my history seems to motivate me to not feel like I am getting erased by the ever changing landscape of the internet, also why the decision to do the web development myself this time and not use a CMS like Drupal or Wordpress.

Was definitely around when both of those had their first releases. The CMSs have become too bloated for my tastes these days. This created an opportunity for me to dive back into current web development and take it one step at a time while keeping my own direction of this web site and References/Guides/Notes - Teo Docs site I am creating for the above mentioned technologies.


Teoti Graphix, LLC is/was an audio app (DSP) developer in the last iteration, keeping with that tradition aims to bring all these technologies together and offer 3D models, tools, graphical and audio content for games and applications, UI components sold on Patreon, Gumroad, Unreal's Fab market and eventually getting back on Google Play/Apple Store with audio apps and games.

You can check out our Github, X, Youtube, LinkedIn links to see where we have been previously. Thanks for taking the time to skim the site for now, hope to see and work with you in the future!

Email contact: teotigraphixllc at the G mail site.