About Teoti Graphix, LLC

Who are you?

Company logo imageMy name is Michael Schmalle and I have been doing technology since the 90s when the internet was more creative and less locked down and industrial/corporate. Basically the internet was casual wear back then and now it’s suit and tie exclusive. Well I am still casual and love to help and share the stuff I have picked up since I started.

So that said, this is about my 10th iteration of a site over the last 25 years, and I am not taking it too seriously, I want to ramble, create apps/games/3d models/art/music and other things. Not too concerned about the flash, more about substance and just being me. This site will be an iterative design as I learn more of the “New Age” web development majick and get my wiki/docs site up to par with what I envision.

For years, I worked in Macromedia Flash circe 2000 (eventually Adobe Flash/Flex), the creative internet where it was really fun and expressive, always pushing the boundaries of animation and graphics. I had used Macromedia Director 8.x (Shockwave Studio) to get 3D models online using the Shockwave Player around 2001-2003 using Newtek’s Lightwave3D, was fooling around with Blender at that time, but Blender was a different animal years ago ;-). I was really interested in 3D visualizations on the web way back then and now will use Unreal, Unity, Godot to do the same thing as my dreams were back then with Director and Lingo.

Once Adobe bought out Macromedia around 2004-2005 I transitioned into RIA applications with Adobe Flex and created UI components for sale as I did with Macromedia Flash components before Flex, before that was "dynamic HTML" eg Javascript). I love creating user interfaces, and it was a natural fit in the old days, really did enjoy those years.

Around 2010 Adobe was feeling the pressure of Flash’s demise, so I had to get into mobile Android development to save myself and ended up working with the dev of the old Caustic Android/iOS app which was one of the first rack/synth/sequencer apps on those platforms, really popular and helped create a community around that app for a while. I had also worked on the Apache Flex compiler/transpiler (Actionscript -> Javascript), that is along story that I really don’t care to relive anymore. :)

In 2014 Bitwig Studio was released and I helped them with some code generation and controller scripts for the Ableton Push and Native Instruments Maschine Studio, MK2, Mikro. It's nice to see their DAW really gaining traction over the last 10 years.

Bitwig - Touch4Bitwig - Desktop -Android MIDI Controller

Touch4Bitwig was a prototype of an Android app that controlled Bitwig through it's OSC (Open Sound Control) API, sadly I never had time to finish this app.

Ableton - Push4Bitwig - MIDI Controller

Native Instruments - Maschine4Bitwig - MIDI Controller

I created the 3D image below for Reg(Caustic's developer, Single Cell Software) used on the Google Play and Apple store for the release of Caustic 3 on January 19, 2012. The image was to look a bit retro.

Caustic logo image by Teoti Graphix, LLC

Using Caustic’s audio engine core I ended up making some audio apps, LilDrumMachine, Caustic Guide, Tone Matrix and Drum Pad Beats for the Android operating system and Windows. You can still see my older work on those if you visit my YouTube channel.

LilDrumMachine v1.x

DrumPadBeats v1.x

Caustic Guide v1.x

See https://www.youtube.com/@TeotiGraphix for what I am talking about.

After the pandemic hit in 2020, I had to retool. I never left 3D and game/visualization engines, it was my main passion and now is arriving back in my life full time with Blender, Houdini, Unreal and Godot game engines. I had used Unity since version 3.x, Unreal since 4.x and Godot since 4.x, Blender since 2.1(2003), Houdini since 17.x, Lightwave3D since 7.0.

What is next

I have created a wiki/reference/guide/note site (https://teotigraphix.com/teodocs/) that has existed for a long while(decades) and will expand with my travels through C/C++ Unreal/Godot and other tech (most content is not ported or up yet). I am also working with the Houdini Engine in Unreal. The changes with Unity management have kind of set me back from that game engine for now but, I have a lot of experience with it.

I will also be developing audio apps and probably some VST/Audio plugins in C++ ranging from guitar pedals to synth/sequencers/drum machines and audio visualizers. I hope to use Godot (AudioSystem) and Unreal (MetaSounds) to create more of my visions with expressive audio experiences using 3D and high-end graphics.